When The Ark Comes Back to the City

Main Passage: 2 Samuel 6:6-15

I. Introduction

  1. The Ark is a visible object ___________ of the presence of God
  2. A brief history of the Ark
    1. In I Samuel 4, the Ark is in Shiloh.
    2. It is captured by the Philistines – I Samuel 4 & 5
    3. It is returned to Israel after destroying Dagon, afflicting the Philistines with tumors, rats, and death.
    4. Seventy men of Beth Shemel are killed for looking into the Ark.
    5. The Ark was taken to Abinadab’s house and stayed for 20 years.
    6. In II Samuel 6, David sets out to bring the Ark to Jerusalem.

II. Lessons learned from the Ark

  1. The Ark was lost when they attempted to manipulate God.
  2. There was no desire for the Ark to return until David.
    1. A picture of ____________ without ________________________.
    2. A picture of glorifying the ____________ and not living in God’s presence ____________.
  3. ____________ with God’s presence can cause ____________.
  4. Enjoying God’s presence- King David rejoicing Levites had to carry the Ark
    1. We must be ____________.
    2. We must ____________ of sin.
    3. We must ____________.

III. Conclusion

  1. The tension of the two tabernacles.
  2. The Ark has come back to the city.

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