Unschooled, Ordinary, and Unsung Heroes | The Anointing

  1. Introduction
  1. 25 years ago, a prophetic vision was given to a man that showed what God was doing and wanted to do. “The vision of the water tower.”
  2. We believe that God can help us, or we would not be here.
  3. Would you dare to dream with me tonight? Would you believe that God can and wants to use you?
  1. Four questions that will determine whether you will do the extraordinary in this hour in history.
  1. How close are you to ________________? – Acts 9:9-20
  2. Will you pay the price to be________________? -Acts 15:36-41
  3. What is the level of your________________? – Act 16:13-15
  4. Will you embrace His ________________? – Acts 18:1-4

III. Conclusion

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