The Start of a Movement | The Ripple Effect

Main Passage: 1 Samuel 14:1-15,20-22

I. Introduction

  1. The Ripple Effect
  2. We all have a choice
  3. A look at Jonathan

II. What Motivated Jonathan?

  1. He had a strong ________________ to be used by God to defeat the enemy.

    1. He started a battle with the Philistines.
    2. He understood God’s plan to raise Israel up.
    3. He thought differently.
  2. He knew the power of God.
    1. He knew his history.
    2. He knew “man’s ________________ has always been God’s ________________.”
    3. He was ________________ from his father.
  3. He had the honor of fighting in ________________ as a team.
  4. He believed God would ________________ him.
  5. He ________________ what God was going to do and then took ________________.

III. What Happened as a Result? A Movement

  1. He wiped out the outpost.
  2. He released God’s ________________, which brought a great victory for Israel.
  3. He ________________ the Israelites to fight.

IV. God is Speaking to Us

  1. As a ________________
  2. Personally

V. Conclusion

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