The Signs of His Return

II Thessalonians 2:1-12
Pastor Daniel Bracken
September 25, 2022

I. Introduction.

A. In I Thessalonians, The Apostle Paul mentions the coming of the Lord and the rapture of the saints.


Introduction Notes:


II. A look at the text—Paul shares when the end is.

A. One can be __________ on this issue.

B. Before the actual second coming takes place, there will be __________ things that will happen.

1. The __________ will take place.

2. The __________ __________ or the man of sin will appear.

C. The man of lawlessness is __________.

D. The __________ knows what is holding the antichrist back from being revealed at the proper time.

1. What we know:

a. The Restorer is at work __________.

b. It is referred to as a “__________.”

c. At the right __________, the restraint will be removed.

2. What we __________ know, but we can guess:

a. It would be the __________ __________ and the work of the __________.

b. __________ is the one who restrains until the church finishes its task.

c. God is the restrainer working through __________.

E. The secret power of the antichrist is __________ at work.

F. Why the antichrist will come is explained.

1. It is a work of Satan’s ultimate __________ against God to take as many people as possible to hell with him.

2. It is because people __________ to believe the truth and be saved.

3. God __________ their decision and sends them a powerful delusion so they will believe a lie.


Section II Notes:


III. God is speaking to us.

A. We must not __________ to the spirit of antichrist that is already in the world.

B. There is good news: you can’t have the great __________ __________ unless you have a great __________.

C. Now is the time to __________ and turn to the Lord.

D. The feast of Trumpets and the rapture of the church.


Section III Notes:


IV. Conclusion.


Conclusion Notes:



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