The End is the Beginning

Main Passage: 1 Corinthians 3:10-16

Pastor Daniel Bracken | August 4, 2024

I. Introduction

  1. Dr. Marocco’s dream
  2. The dream – “The end is the beginning”

II. The Five Eternal Judgments

  1. Judgment of ________________.   2 Corinthians 5:10
  2. Judgment of ________________. Matthew 25:31-46
  3. Judgment of ________________. Daniel 9:24-27, Rev 20:11-14
  4. Judgment of ________________. Rev. 20:11-14
  5. The Great White Throne of Judgment Rev. 20

III. Different Types of Eternal Rewards

  1. There are different types of heavenly rewards.
    1. Resurrected body
    2. Garments
    3. Authority
    4. Praise
    5. Crowns
    6. Treasures
    7. Communion

IV. A Look at the Text

  1. The Judgment seat of ________________.

    1. Our works matter
      1. Our ________________
      2. Our ________________
  2. Did I further God’s Kingdom?
  3. Everything will be ________________ by fire.
  4. Our ________________ will be exposed.
  5. Your ________________ will be seen.
  6. Did you take advantage of God-given ________________?
  7. You will be judged by what you were ________________ and how well you’ve used it.
  8. Did you do the ________________ of God, or did you do it according to the world’s view of success?
  9. How did you judge others?

V. God will ________________ Us

  1. We are not robots; we have a choice.
  2. He will ________________ us.

VI. God is Speaking to Us

  1. Make your life ________________.
  2. Move in ________________.
  3. Get involved in the harvest.
  4. The best is yet to come.

VII. Conclusion

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