The Anointing | From the Pasture to the Palace

Main Passages: 1 Samuel 16:12-13, 2 Samuel 2:1-4, 5: 1-5

Pastor Daniel Bracken | August 4, 2024

I. Introduction

  1. Definition of anointing
  2. Three types of anointing in the Old Testament
  3. The first reference to anointing is Genesis 28:18-19
  4. You will notice that in all these three instances
    David was anointed with oil.
  5. The New Testament anointing to be a demonstration
    of the power of God in this world.

II. A Look at the Text

  1. David was anointed once at Bethlehem
    and twice at Hebron.
  2. What does David’s anointings speak to us?
    1. God’s timing understandings
    2. There are various Anointings.
      1. The first anointing was a
        ____________ anointing.
      2. The second anointing was
        ____________ at Hebron.
      3. The third anointing was ____________
        anointing as kings of all Israel

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