The Anna Anointing | The Anointing

Main Passage: Luke 2:36-38

I. Introduction

  1. Have you ever lost a loved one in death?
  2. Have you ever lost something dear to you?
  3. Have you ever felt useless?
  4. We have a ___________________ in life.

II. A Look at the Texts

  1. Anna was a ___________________.
  2. She was the daughter of Penuel of the tribe of ______________.
  3. She was a woman who experienced ___________________.
  4. Anna was an ___________________ woman

III. Lessons from Anna’s Life – The Anna Anointing

  1. ___________________ that God wants to bless you.

    1. Genesis 12:2-3
    2. Jeremiah 29:11
    3. Psalm 67:1-2
    4. Deuteronomy 28:1-6
    5. Ephesians 1:3
    6. James 1:17
    7. Numbers 6:24-26
    8. John 10:10
    9. Philippians 4:1
  2. Draw near to ___________________. Vs. 37
  3. Never lose ___________________. Vs. 38
  4. Choose to be ___________________ by God.
  5. See things from God’s ___________________

IV. God is Speaking to Us

  1. ___________________ to be like Anna.
  2. Be a ___________________ for others to follow in life.
  3. God is raising up Anna’s among us.
  4. There is a call to day and night prayer.

V. Conclusion

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