The Heads & Tails of Faith
Luke 17:5-10
Pastor Daniel Bracken
July 24, 2022
I. Introduction
- Faith is like a ___________________ with many facets.
- The context of the passage.
- Jesus’ command to forgive.
- The disciples’ request for more faith
- Jesus shows two sides to
- the ___________________ we call faith.
- the ___________________ we call faith.
Introduction Notes:
II. One side of the coin: the ___________________ of faith.
- It doesn’t have to be
- ___________________ to affect much.
- Faith released can accomplish the ___________________.
Section II Notes:
III. The other side of the coin: ___________________.
- An ___________________ parable.
- We are ___________________.
- We are called to ___________________ Christ fully with ___________________ we are.
Section III Notes:
IV. God is speaking to us: The parable is a warning.
- When we exercise faith, we can become vulnerable.
- We can become ___________________ in our duties.
- The parable points us to the fact that true faith makes us want to ___________________ Christ more instead of desiring ___________________ and ___________________.
- True faith is formed from ___________________,
- True faith sees ___________________ to Christ as of the utmost importance.
- Our thought should be, “We ask for no reward but to serve Christ”
Section IV Notes: