Studies in the Book of James | Amazing Grace

James 4:1-10
Pastor Daniel Bracken
October 23, 2022

I. Introduction.

A. One of the most tragic things is when Christians fight.

B. James exposes the __________ problem.

C. He also gives the answer: __________.


Introduction Notes:


II. A look at the text.

A. James put his finger on a real problem in the church—people are __________ toward each other.

1. He uses words similar to what __________ used in describing the sin of having ought against a brother.

2. He shows the __________ problem.

a. Selfish __________ is the root cause.

b. You don’t bring the problem to __________.

c. Your selfishness __________ God answering your prayers.

B. James makes it clear we have a __________.

1. People who choose to have friendship with the world __________ God and are __________ and enemies of God.

2. God __________ desires us to belong wholly to Him.

C. God’s grace is __________, yet it demands our action.


Section II Notes:


III. Understanding God’s grace.

A. It is not a __________ forgiveness for things we do wrong.

B. Grace is an active agent.

1. If we are in a hostile relationship, grace causes us to __________ ourselves.

2. Grace is seen in that we can __________ and receive from the Lord, if we don’t have __________ to our prayers.

3. Grace is seen in our __________ to God.

4. Grace is __________ the devil.

5. Grace is longing to have __________ with God.

6. Grace is true __________.

7. Grace is taking sin __________, seeing it as God sees it as __________.

8. Grace is __________ yourself.

C. Grace fulfills God’s promises.

1. God will give __________ grace.

2. If you resist, the devil will __________.

3. If you draw near to God, He __________ draw near to you.

4. God will __________ you up if you humble yourself.


Section III Notes:


IV. Conclusion.

Conclusion Notes:



General Sermon Notes:

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