Seasons | The Head of the Year
Leviticus 23:23-44
Pastor Daniel A. Bracken
September 25, 2022
I. Introduction.
A. We all go through seasons in life.
B. God has a calendar, and there are seasons, which are seen by the three major pilgrim __________ celebrated by the Jews.
1. Feast of Unleavened Bread or __________ or Pesach.
2. Feast of Weeks or __________, also Shavuot.
3. Feast of __________ or Sukkoth.
C. There are also two high holidays.
1. __________ __________ or New Year, also called the head of the year or the __________ of __________.
2. __________ __________ or Day of Atonement.
D. Two things were demanded by God at these feasts and holidays.
1. All of the __________ of Israel must come to the feast. Everyone shall __________ a special gift.
E. Why did God have these feasts and high holidays?
1. It was to __________ His goodness. It was to help Israel __________.
a. Refocus on __________.
b. Refocus on their __________.
Introduction Notes:
II. A look at the text.
A. Feast of __________: A season of __________ __________. September 25, 2022—Today.
1. It is the Jewish New Year.
2. A day and season—judgment or repentance.
3. A Day of Remembrance.
4. The Day of Shofar Blowing, or trumpets.
B. The Day of Atonement: A season of new beginnings. October 4–5, 2022.
C. The Feast of Tabernacles. October 9–16, 2022.
1. A season of __________.
2. A season of __________.
3. A season of renewed __________.
a. They were on their way to Canaan’s land, which God gave them.
b. The vision of the farmer was fulfilled, for they celebrated the __________.
c. God’s vision of __________ His people was fulfilled.
Section II Notes:
III. God is speaking to us today: This is a new day and a new year.
A. All of the events from the Feast of Trumpets through the Feast of Tabernacles are taking place at this time—the High Holy days.
B. We must believe for a __________ of __________ to come into King’s.
1. We must examine our __________.
2. We must __________.
3. We must get __________.
C. We must refocus on the __________ God has given us.
D. Let this time be one of __________ __________.
E. Live in understanding of the __________ of the Lord.
F. All the feasts and all the holidays are fulfilled in __________.
Section III Notes:
IV. Conclusion.
Conclusion Notes:
General Sermon Notes: