Genesis 9:5-7
Pastor Daniel Bracken
May 15, 2022
I. Introduction.
A. In 1973, the Supreme Court ruled in Roe v. Wade that abortion was legal.
II. A look at our text.
A. A human being is _______ to God.
B. He is sacred because he is made in the _______ of God.
C. The unborn child is a _______ _______.
1. Jeremiah 1:4-5
2. Psalm 139:13-14
III. Redefining _______.
A. Hitler depersonalized the _______.
B. Supreme Court decisions can be wrong and should be changed.
C. Roe v. Wade has caused the death of over 70 million unborn children.
D. The dehumanizing of _______ of life.
E. The people who live with the _______ of having an abortion need healing.
IV. What we must do.
A. Vote for people who are pro-life.
B. Do what you can to _______ abortion.
C. Pray.