Healing America | Stand

I. Introduction

  1. This is an unusual passage in scripture.
  2. To stand means to be immovable in your convictions.

II. A look at the text

  1. Jeremiah is a prophet to a_______________ nation.
  2. God gives Jeremiah a word to have the Rekabites come to the temple and give them_______________ to drink.
  3. They_______________ to drink the wine. Why?
  4. God gives Jeremiah a message to give to the people of Judah.
  5. The results of not obeying God is _______________ for Judah but the_______________ for the Rekabites.

III. God is speaking to us

  1. We must stand.
    1. We must _______________ God-given biblical convictions.
    2. These are shaped by our consistent _______________ to obey the 10 Commandments and _______________ the life and ministry of Jesus Christ in our lives.
    3. We are to become a part of a body of believers and become_______________.
    4. _____________ what these convictions are.
  2. We must stand on God-given convictions despite the _______________ of the world, the flesh, and the devil.

    1. A look at the pressure the Rekabites were under.
      1. The whole _______________ was brought together.
      2. They met in the most _______________ place on earth.
      3. Great _______________ was shown.
      4. The prophet _______________ was doing everything in obedience to the Word of the Lord.
    2. We must stand despite what is happening,_______________and globally.
    3. _______________ we must stand.
  3. God will _______________ people who keep their God-given convictions.

  4. Be open to the _______________ work in your life.

  5. We can avoid evil by asking, “Is what I am about to do going to_______________ God?

  6. If we stand, God will heal America.

IV. Conclusion

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