Getting Ready for the Harvest | Paying the Price

Luke 15:1-10
Pastor Daniel Bracken
August 28, 2022

I. Introduction.

A. Christianity is unique.

B. Jesus’ __________ as the God/Man is seen in the parables: it is to redeem the __________.

1. This went __________ to the religious attitude of Jesus’ day.

a. The Pharisees built a __________ around the law.

b. The Pharisees believed sinners existed to be __________.

2. Who you are __________ with could affect you.


Introduction Notes:


II. A look at the parables.

A. Two of three parables on the lost being __________.

1. The lost __________.

2. The lost __________.

B. The point is the same in both parables—that there is great __________ in heaven when a sinner repents.

C. __________ is the key to no longer being lost.

D. God’s __________ is to seek the lost.


Section II Notes:


III. God is speaking to us.

A. Individually.

1. We must __________.

2. We must __________.

B. As a church.

1. We must __________ on seeing the lost being found.

2. We must focus on the importance of the __________.

3. We must not be intimidated by the __________ of reaching out.


Section III Notes:


IV. Conclusion.

Conclusion Notes:



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