
I. Introduction

  1. I wear glasses to sharpen my focus.
  2. We have just had an election and if we are not careful, we can _____________ our focus.
  3. As a believer in Jesus, we must not lose our focus.

II. A Look at the Text

  1. The context.
    1. Jesus must go through _____________.
    2. Jesus rests by a _____________ in Sychar as the disciples go to town to buy food.
    3. He engages in a _____________ with a Samaritan woman who comes to the well.
  2. Jesus reveals himself as the _____________ to her.
  3. The _____________ return and are surprised that Jesus is talking to a Samaritan woman.
  4. Jesus talks to the disciples about what has just _____________.

    1. Jesus’ sustenance is to do the Father’s _____________.
    2. His disciples must focus on the _____________.
  5. Many Samaritans _____________ in Jesus.

III. God is Speaking to Us.

  1. For God’s plan to come about, we must focus on the _____________ of souls.
  2. The answer is the _____________, but we are too much like the disciples in this story.

    1. Focused on our physical _____________.
    2. Bound by our _____________.
  3. We must be like the Samaritan woman:
    1. _____________ the vision.
    2. _____________
  4. We must have the same _____________ as Jesus:

    1. _____________
    2. _____________
    3. _____________
    4. _____________
  5. IV. Conclusion

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