Breakout | The Kingdom of God

Main Text: Luke 4:31-44

I. Introduction

  1. The end of the series and a review.
  2. Living in Hawaii.
  3. The difference between Nazareth and Capernaum.

II. A look at the Kingdom of God.

  1. It is the ______________ theme in the Synoptic Gospels.
  2. “The Kingdom of God” is the theme of the entire Bible.
  3. The Kingdom of God is the ______________ of God.
  4. How is the kingdom of God conveyed?

1. Words and actions.

  1. Casting out of ______________.
  2. Healing the ______________.
  3. ______________ and ______________.

III. A look at the Text.

  1. Evil is revealed.
    1. Understanding the demonic.
      1. They want to bind people.
      2. ______________ can come from the demonic.
    2. Sickness is the result of the ______________.
  2. Jesus is the King.
    1. He has all ______________ and ______________.
    2. He ______________ showing His dependence on His Father.

IV. God’s Word for Us

  1. As believers we have ______________ and authority.
  2. The ______________ has power and authority.
  3. God is inviting us to see a break out of His kingdom.
  4. A word of caution – The kingdom is here not yet.
  5. Breakout.

IV. Conclusion

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