Break Out of Doubt | Breakout

I. Introduction

  1. Peter defied the laws of nature.

II. A Look at the Text

  1. The story of Jesus walking on the water is told in three gospels.
  2. Jesus has fed the 5,000, and in order to prevent the people from crowning him as king.
  3. The disciples out on the sea and Jesus comes to them walking on the water.

III. How is it that Peter alone got to walk on the water and why did he sink?

  1. He had both ___________ and ___________.
  2. He ___________ Jesus say, “Come.” and ___________.
  3. He sank due to ___________.

IV. God is challenging us to break out in four ways

  1. Will you get out of the ___________?
  2. What you do will ___________ many people for generations to come.
  3. According to our ___________ be it done.
  4. Breaking out of ___________
  1.  Insight into ___________

    1. Doubt is a ___________ heart.
    2. Doubt, the place between ___________ and ___________
  2. How we doubt.
    1. We neglect to ___________.
    2. We have a ___________ picture of God.
    3. Our foundation in faith is ___________.
    4. We have never made a real ___________.
    5. We do not ___________ in faith.
    6. Our ___________ trip us up.
    7. We have not allowed our ___________ to be healed.
  3. To be a water walker we must ___________ on Jesus, not the ___________.

V. Conclusion

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