At Home as it is in Heaven | The Transformative Power of Thanksgiving

Main Text: I Corinthians 10:1-13

I. Introduction

II. A Look at the Text

  1. Paul has a burden for the church in Corinth.
  2. He alerts them by using the Israelites as an example.
  3. Their issue was they allowed evil to come in through:
    1. ___________________ 
    2. ___________________ 
    3. ___________________ 
    4. ___________________ 

III. Complaining or Grumbling can Destroy our Relationships.

  1. With ___________________. 
  2. With our ___________________. 
  3. With others.

IV. We are Called to be Thankful and Grateful

  1. What is gratitude?   
  2. Eukeristia is the main Greek word used in the New Testament for gratefulness.
  3. The New Testament encourages us to be ___________________. 
  4. The Old Testament sees gratitude as an aspect of true ___________________. 
    1. The ___________________. 
    2. The ___________________ whole job was to give thanks.
  5. The ___________________. 

V. Conclusion

  1. Thanksgiving will transform you and your home.
  2. Gratitude is a key to the blessing of God.

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