Plan Your Visit to King's!

We know meeting someone for the first time can be intimidating, and going to a new church for the first time can be nerve-racking. We want to help make your first experience at King's Alaska a great one

What to Expect

In total, a King’s service is about 90 minutes in length. Services begin with the King’s band leading the church in worship through songs. Song lyrics are projected onto the screen so you can sing along and/or engage with worship, however you feel comfortable. At the end of worship, there is an opportunity to ask for prayer from one of our King’s pastors and ministers.

After the worship portion of our service is completed, one of our pastors will share a powerful and encouraging word to keep you moving and shaking throughout the week.

How should I dress?

Feel free to dress in clothes that are comfortable for you when you come to King’s Chapel. You can “dress up” if you want, or wear casual clothes. Come as you are!


We’re located at 3301 E Parks Highway in Wasilla, Alaska. You can’t miss our building as you drive into Wasilla from Anchorage. We’re located near WalMart, Lowes, and Chepo’s.

What About my Kids?

King’s Kids exists to partner with parents in laying a solid foundation of God’s Word, to provide a safe and fun environment for their children, from the nursery to 6th grade, to pursue the presence of God, and to help promote their family’s growth in Christ.

King's YTH

King’s YTH exist to see students grade 6th – 12th grow and encounter God.