Mother’s Day | The Hand that Rocks the Cradle

Main Passage: Judges 4:1-9; 5:1-10

I. Introduction
II. A look at the text

  1. A generation that didn’t ________________ God or His ________________.
  2. Cycles of ________________.
  3. ________________ life ceased.

    1. Lack of ________________ and ________________.
    2. ________________ and ________________.
  4. The people were ________________.
  5. Apathy and ________________.
  6. ________________.

III. The Game Changer

  1. An unlikely war hero.
  2. The people ________________.
  3. Deborah ________________ Barak to take his place.
  4. God ________________ and the victory is won.

IV. God is speaking to us a call to action

  1. God’s intention is for His people to walk in ________________.
  2. Take personal ________________.

    1. Live ________________.
    2. ________________ against ________________.
  3. ________________ to know God’s Word.

    1. Be a true ________________.
    2. The next ________________.
    3. Others.
  4. ________________.
  1. 2 Chronicles 7:14
  2. Hebrews 4:16

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