But Luke 22:31-32; Acts 12:1-5 Pastor Daniel Bracken – January 24, 2024

. Introduction

A. In both passages, Peter faces death, but because of one thing,

his life is spared.

II. A look at the text.

A. Luke 22

1. The Last Supper, who’s the greatest, and the statement

of Peter are all tied together.

2. In his pride, he made himself a ____________________ for

Satan to destroy.

3. “But I have ____________________ for you.”

B. Acts 12

1. The church was being persecuted by Herod, who had

____________________ killed.

2. Peter is ____________________ and is awaiting the same

fate as James.

3. “But the church was earnestly praying to God for him.”

III. What God is saying to our church.

A. My own experience this week.

1. At the prayer meeting.

B. We face a crucial time.

1. In our ____________________.

2. On a ____________________ basis. Satan is trying to

destroy marriages and the next generation.

3. As a ____________________. Satan is trying to hinder us

from fulfilling the 12/120 vision.

C. What will we do?

1. We must ____________________.

iv. Conclusion

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