Vision You are Chosen Luke 10:1-23 Pastor Daniel Bracken – Sept. 24, 2023

Luke 10:1-23

I. Introduction

  1. Review of the series
  2. The vision is to destroy the work of Satan.

II. A look at the text.

  1. The ____________________ of laborers.
    1. There was a desperate need.
    2. The release of laborers was a result of ____________________.
  2. Jesus releases ____________________ to them and gives them a specific vision.
    1. Their charge was to prepare the town for a visit from Jesus.
    2. They were to demonstrate the ____________________ of thekingdom of God.
      1. Healing the sick
      2. Casting out demons.
    3. There is a dividing line between God’s blessing and judgment.

a. Two responses to the Gospel

  1. If a person welcomes the Good News, then there is ____________________ and peace.
  2. If there is a rejection of the truth, then there is judgment.

C. The disciples had a greater ____________________ of God and His kingdom.

III. God is speaking to us.

A. Individually – you have been chosen!

1. The Lord’s plan is to ____________________ us to destroy the works of the devil.

  1. We must have a ____________________ to be used by God.
  2. All of us must see ourselves as ____________________ allowing others to be involved in God’s work.
  3. Stay filled with the ____________________ ____________________.

B. As a church.

  1. We must ____________________ Him for what He has done yet remain ____________________.
  2. We must pray for a ____________________ of the Kingdom of God.
  3. This is God’s time for ____________________. All He needs is a person to work through.
  4. We have been chosen!

IV. Conclusion

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