Seasons | Paid For

Leviticus 16:1-28
Pastor Daniel A. Bracken
October 9th, 2022

I. Introduction.

A. Review of our series and why.

B. God has a calendar, and there are seasons, which are seen by the three major pilgrim __________ celebrated by the Jews.

1. Feast of Unleavened Bread or __________ or Pesach (Easter).

2. Feast of Weeks or __________ (also Shavuot).

3. Feast of __________ or Sukkoth, which begins tonight and ends next Sunday.

C. There are also two High Holidays.

1. __________ __________ or New Year, also called the head of the year or the __________ of __________, which was on the 25th of September, two weeks ago.

2. __________ __________ or Day of Atonement (the past week).

D. Two things were demanded by God at these feasts and holidays.

1. All of the __________ of Israel must come to the feast. Everyone shall __________ a special gift.

E. Why did God have these feasts and high holidays?

1. It was to __________ His goodness. It was to help Israel __________.

F. The council of Jerusalem in 49 AD (Acts 15).

G. This past Wednesday was the Day of Atonement or Yom Kippur.

1. Atonement is an Anglo-Saxon word meaning “__________ __________ __________,” or paid for.

2. The Day of Atonement in the Apostle Paul’s Day was called the __________.

3. Why the Day of Atonement is important to us.

a. It is a __________ of what is fulfilled in __________.

b. It reminds us of what Christ did for us on the __________.


Introduction Notes:


II. What happened on the Day of Atonement.

A. The High Priest.

B. The people.


Section II Notes:


III. What was the Day of Atonement for?

A. To avert God’s __________ over the people’s sin.

B. To ensure God’s continued __________ and Israel’s __________.

C. To __________ Israel that in spite of the daily, weekly, and monthly sacrifice, sin was not fully atoned for.


Section III Notes:


IV. Jesus’ death fulfilled the Passover and the Day of Atonement.

A. The __________ of Christ.

1. Matthew 26:28.

2. Hebrews 12:24.

3. Hebrews 9:11-12.

4. Hebrews 9:24-28.

B. Jesus suffered __________ the city gate.

C. The veil was torn from top to bottom.


Section IV Notes:


V. What Jesus’ fulfilling the Day of Atonement means to us.

A. __________ and __________.

B. Victory.

C. __________.

D. __________ and __________.


Section V Notes:


VI. Conclusion.

Conclusion Notes:



General Sermon Notes:


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