Raise the Standard
“Raise the Standard”
Isaiah 59:15-21
Pastor Daniel Bracken / Dr. James Marocco
May 22, 2022
I. Introduction.
A. Have you ever been overwhelmed?
B. There is _______.
II. A look at the text.
A. Yes, Isaiah’s prophetic word is spoken to what his nation was going through in his _______, but it also paints a profound picture of our nation in _______ time.
B. God desires to answer our prayers, but something blocks them: our _______.
C. Our world is _______.
D. God’s intention is to intervene, and He has through the work of _______, the ongoing work of the _______ _______, and through His _______.
III. God is speaking to us.
A. We, His church, clothed with God’s _______, filled with the _______ _______, with God using our mouth and our actions, are the standard the Spirit of the Lord is lifting up.
1. We battle a real _______, the host of hell.
2. We must do _______ part.
B. The enemy is flooding our land through laws being passed that are evil in God’s sight. As a democratic nation, “we the people” determine what the laws will be by who we choose to lead us.
C. The issue of _______ may be before us.
1. Understand what will happen if the _______ _______ overturns Roe v. Wade.
a. This does not stop abortion; it only returns the decision to the individual states.
b. That means, “we the people of Alaska” determine what will happen in our state.
2. Know what God has to say about human beings.
a. Human beings are made in _______ _______.
b. Human beings are _______.
c. Human beings are _______ to God.
d. Is an _______ child a human being?
1) The Bible gives us a _______ of the unborn baby in the womb as a human being. Luke 1:41, Genesis 25:21-26
2) God _______ us in the womb. Psalms 139:13-16, Isaiah 49:1, 5
D. What do we do?
1. Pray.
2. Take action. Get involved in the political process.