Grow Some Hedges
“Grow Some Hedges”
2 Samuel 11:1-26
Pastor Daniel Bracken
March 20, 2022
I. Introduction.
- The dream of a hedge, a tiger, and a family.
II. A look at the passage.
- King David is set up and falls, causing reproach and pain for generations.
- David broke down the walls of protection in his life.
III. Four hedges every believer must grow.
- The hedge that come when you are walking in God’s purpose. Staying in the ____________.
- The hedge of fellowship and accountability.
- The hedge of prayer, worship, and the presence.
- Personal ____________.
IV. God is speaking to us.
- We must ____________ ourselves.
- Stay in fellowship and cultivate real relationships.
- Commit to a lifestyle of prayer and worship.
- Live ____________.