Grow Some Hedges

“Grow Some Hedges” 
2 Samuel 11:1-26
Pastor Daniel Bracken
March 20, 2022


I. Introduction.
  1. The dream of a hedge, a tiger, and a family.
II. A look at the passage.
  1. King David is set up and falls, causing reproach and pain for generations.
  2. David broke down the walls of protection in his life.
III. Four hedges every believer must grow. 
  1. The hedge that come when you are walking in God’s purpose. Staying in the ____________.
  2. The hedge of fellowship and accountability. 
  3. The hedge of prayer, worship, and the presence.
  4. Personal ____________.
IV. God is speaking to us.
  1. We must ____________ ourselves.
  2. Stay in fellowship and cultivate real relationships.
  3. Commit to a lifestyle of prayer and worship.
  4. Live ____________.

V. Conclusion.

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