The Discipleship Factor | The Ripple Effect

Main Passage: Matthew 28:18-20

  1. Introduction
    1. A familiar verse of scripture – the Great Commission.
    2. Definition of disciple:
      1. ______________________.
      2. To embrace a philosophy, practices, and ______________________ a way of life.
      3. Synonymous with ______________________
  2. What is a ______________________ of Jesus?
    1. Luke 14:33
      1. Jesus must be our first and highest ______________________.
      2. We must be ______________________.
      3. We are ___________________ and ___________________.
    2. Matthew 7:15-23: A true disciple is known by their fruit and by doing the ___________________ of God.
    3. II Peter 1:3-11: A lifelong process of becoming ___________________ Jesus.
  3. Components of Personal Discipleship
    1. ___________________
      1. The Word.
      2. Jesus has set us free.
      3. Jesus is ___________________.
    2. ___________________
      1. ___________________ in action.

      2. Prayer, service, evangelism, giving, etc.
    3. Being
      1. Transformation
      2. Character and morality.
    4. Discipleship demands ___________________.

    5. Discipleship demands ___________________.

      1. With Jesus
      2. With others
  4. How Does One Make a Disciple?
    1. Jesus has given us ___________________.

      1. His Word
      2. His ___________________
    2. We are called to ___________________ those around us and go.
    3. ___________________ them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit.

      1. ___________________ expression of inward faith.
      2. Be a part of a local ___________________, a community of ___________________.
    4. Teaching them to obey everything I have commanded you.
    5. Taking personal ___________________ for each other. E. Teaching them to ___________________ in His presence daily.
  5. God is Speaking to Us
    1. We live in a global village.
    2. ___________________:

      1. Encouraged and challenged.
      2. The Gospel is going forth.
    3. Negatives:
      1. Church becomes impersonal.
      2. ___________________ culture.
      3. The answer is ___________________ through God’s plan: ___________________

VI. Conclusion

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