Healing America | The Key to Healing America

I. Introduction

  1. Marquis de Lafayette.
  2. Thousands came to faith during the Great Awakening in 1730 and 1740
  3. The colonists highly valued their personal faith in Christ and saw the Bible as truth by which to live their lives
    and form a government.
  4. Ryan Messmore, of the Heritage Center.
  5. Confronted at Portsmouth New Hampshire.

II. A look at the text

  1. The Apostle Paul defines what a Christian is.
    1. We are compelled by God’s ______________. Vs 14
    2. We no longer ______________ for ourselves, but for Jesus. Vs 15
    3. We are ______________ creations. Vs 17
  2. The Apostle Paul defines the Christian’s ______________.

    1. We have the ministry of ______________. Vs 18
    2. We are Christ’s ______________, declaring His message: be reconciled to ______________. Vs 20

III. God is speaking to us and to our nation.

  1. God’s people (the church) must be ______________.
  2. We must never forget who we ______________ both as

    individuals and corporately

    1. Individually
    2. Corporately
      1. Ephesians 2:22
  3. We must not forget we all have a ______________ to do.

    1. Reach the lost
    2. Make disciples
  4. The key to healing the United States of America is the ______________. We can be ______________ and influence our nation and the ______________.

    1. Each one reach one.
    2. ______________ for people.
    3. ______________ your faith with others.
    4. Fulfill the vision of the 12/120

IV. Conclusion

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