Breakout | Breakout of Provision

I. Introduction

  1. Passover starts tomorrow.
  2. Two important sociological principles.
  3. Understanding God’s intention
    1. The meaning of Shalom
  4. Four times the scripture tells us of God’s plan to bring a break out of provision.
    1. Genesis 15:14
    2. Exodus 3:21-22
    3. Exodus 11:2
    4. Exodus 12:31-42

II. This Text Chronicles a Significant Transfer Of Wealth.

  1. Over 1 million adults asked for silver, gold and clothing.
  2. The timing was both a and bad.
  3. How was the provision released.
    1. Through their relationships.
    2. God gave them _________________.
    3. The Israelites _________________ the word of the Lord.

III. Why Did God Release Provision To The Israelites?

  1. God is _________________ .
  2. God desires to bless His people.
  3. He gives provision for the vision.

IV. God is Speaking to Us.

  1. This is a _________________.
  2. God wants to _________________ you.
  3. The key to your provision is connected to _________________.

    1. Embrace the vision.
    2. Build relationships.
    3. Cultivate the favor of God in your life
    4. _________________ the word of the Lord.
  4. God is looking for a people He can __________ Himself through.

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